Real Women Real Issues
Real Women, Real Issues
We teach, equip and empower the survivor of abuse and support them throughout their recovery period in various aspects, spiritually, morally, donations, projects, therapy, specialist counselling and medical support. Enabling the abused women to once again cognitively take hold of what is truly relative and authentic generally in life. Abused women who survives any kind of abuse needs to be redirected enabling them to make quality choices for real permanent change.
For many such abused women as victims and survivors of severe abuse, whether they have been sexually violated, emotionally, spiritually, physically, verbally, or financially abused, it is difficult to comprehend the stature of Jesus Christ as their healer. Due to the fact, that the abused victim finds it extremely difficult in many circumstances to associate with Jesus Christ being a male figure, and God. This a where miracles and a divine encounter of the Godhead (God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit), ministers supernaturally. The Apostolic ministry we represent to these victims who need to learn to trust the Godhead and truly experience safety, is a miraculous transformation.
Facts About the Church and the Leadership

Abused women cannot comprehend the stature of such teachings due to a vapor of distinctive damage of the abuse by the hand of a man, a woman, parent or any other. Real women do have real issues all over the spectrum as a global phenomenon without real chance to recovery and restoration of their self-worth. Where after the survivor is empowered victoriously being able to once again take up their position gracefully. Their children suffer at the hand of the abuser as well and children learn as they observe how adults interact. The result often is that such children repeat the vicious cycle of abuse without their cognitive permission and their self-worth as damaged individuals are severely affected.
This is where only God and often Medical therapy can re-direct their lives into a total transformation. Far too long the Church of Christ Leaderships, lacked the necessary discernment by observation to assist such victims and survivors effectively for permanent positive healing and change.
As a ministry, we believe in the demonstration of the power of the Godhead in all circumstances which only God can truly intervene as we minister. Social recovery programs, skill transfer and restoration of such victims are imperative to us. Men are also in need of healing and restoration. Being able to create a safe environment for their families. For more information regarding Ministry to women and men, Email us at: