Macroeconomic Empowerment

Macroeconomic Empowerment

We assist Governments, Stakeholders and Partnership alignments and the greater Africa, the urban and rural areas. Whereby the socio-economic infrastructures of these communities, are correlated by multi-clustered projects.  Therefore, we are a distinctive partner of the International Global Dialogue the IGB.  Which comprises of the G20 countries to the relation of Trilateral and Multilateral Agreements in the continent of Africa.

Africa International Ministries and the Global Perspective of a navigated, changing Global Order 

Macroeconomic Empowerment – G20 & BRICKS


Macroeconomics is a branch of economics that studies how an overall economy—the market systems that operate on a large scale—behaves. Macroeconomics studies economy-wide phenomena such as inflation, price levels, rate of economic growth, national income, gross domestic product (GDP), and changes in unemployment. (Wikipedia)

Outline Overview of the G20 Countries

The G20 is made up of 19 countries and the European Union. The 19 countries are Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, France, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, the UK and the US.

Africa International Ministries and the Institute for Global Dialogue and the BRICS SABTT, South African BRICKS Think Tank

BRICS Countries

Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa

Africa International Ministries are associated with the Institute for Global Dialogue which is an independent foreign policy think tank.  The Institute for Global Dialogue is dedicated to the analysis of dialogue on the evolving international political and economic environment, and the relevant role of the continent of Africa and South Africa, which is part of the BRICS countries.

The Institute for Global Dialogue conducts in-depth global research whereby It advances a balanced, relevant and policy-oriented analysis, debate and documentation of South Africa’s role in international relations and diplomacy. The Institute for Global Dialogue strives for a prosperous and peaceful  Africa. In a progressive global order through cutting edge policy research and analysis.  Catalytic dialogue and stakeholder interface on global dynamics.  That has an impact on South Africa and Africa. For more information regarding the Institute of Global Dialogue visit

Africa International Ministries is a voice for South Africa and the African Continent – Institute for Global Dialogue

The corporate mandate of Africa International Ministries is executed globally among the Global Embassies. Trilateral and Bilateral Agreements are discussed between different countries in the developing States of the African continent and the South of the African continent during several symposiums hosted by the Institute for Global Dialogue, and much more to mention in this writing, therefore visit the website of the Institute for Global Dialogue.

A word from the Founder

As Founder of Africa International Ministries, I thank God for the doors that God open for what God wants to achieve in His global mandate, in a time such as this! “Do not underestimate small beginnings”, though you cannot see the whole picture unfolding, God knows where He is going with His mandate, just trust Him”