Men’s Ministry
Restoration of Men
“And I will give them one heart [a new heart] and put a new spirit within them. I will take from them the heart of stone, and will give them a heart of flesh [that is responsive to My touch],
Ezekiel 11:19 AMP”
“And I will give them one heart [a new heart] and put a new spirit within them. I will take from them the heart of stone, and will give them a heart of flesh [that is responsive to My touch],
Ezekiel 11:19 AMP”
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Our Focus
The Apostolic Leadership supports and vigorously aid men in all segments of societies. To enable and ensure that the restoration of men brings transformation to their rightful position, in the kingdom of God.
Strategic Intent
Transformation and Spiritual Empowerment
Strategic Restoration of Purpose
Hope and Faith Restored
The Plans and Purposes of God
God created men to practice their Godly purpose and objectively to walk honorably in the sight of God. Whereas, men were to govern God’s creation, over all the earth. To guide, support, and willfully, humble to Godly counsel.
God spiritually purposes men, to supply financially, give guidance, direction, and display true Principled Leadership in all spheres of life, which includes their household. “The Bible very clearly states a house divided shall not remain to stand.”
Current Reality
Unfortunately, the current situation in the timeline we find ourselves in life, many men in general have been relegated to an inferior, secondary status. Where merely none or only some of their God-given leadership, responsibilities are encouraged and actively pursued. God is our Father, the model for life and family has been usurped and orchestrated by political manipulation and by the demonic kingdom.
Blind Followers
Slowly but surely men have lost their significance, many have become followers and not leaders. Losing focused vision being able to follow the plans and purposes of God which He has in store for them. Men ought to secure confident leaders, instead, men have been relegated to be a blind follower.
Rising Divorce Rates
The result has appeared in men not occurring eligible or voluntarily to embrace their Godly responsibilities and commitments. Sadly, these deteriorations keep being an increase in the divorce rates and in the current dysfunctional youth. Many do not recognize where they must fit into the global society.
A “Fatherless Generation”
In today’s global society, recognition appears in the structured approach of following the secular humanistic regulations. The current decade we are living in is known as the “fatherless” generation. Because the fatherly figure in many households, are present but passively fathers.
Whereas fathers are absent and dysfunctional, fatherly figures. In many instances, any children who have been exposed to such households become a dysfunctional generation. The effects on such children are severe. Whereby the effect has left youth to their own dysfunctional coping mechanisms. Where youth embrace wrong beliefs of recognition and self-worth, pursuing comfort in the company of other dysfunctional values and different cultivated environments. The severe damaging effect is a non-ending vicious destructive cycle. However, God has a plan, for the ” fatherless generation”, He loves everyone, and God wants to heal all brokenness, injustice, and injury.
Substance Abuse and Moral Immorality
Drug and alcohol abuse, prostitution and other crimes have become the norm for recognition and survival. Some men and youth are fortunate to end up in a rehabilitation centre, but many end up in jail or commit suicide. It becomes a never-ending cycle of moral immorality.
“However, we as an Apostolic Ministry can truly testify of the goodness of our God and the restoration of many.”